I. Go and learn from the tariff of donkey-drivers, ten miles for one zo~(,z, eleve1~ for t,vo zo~(,zim.

Clta[Jgigal~, £01. 9, col. 2.

2. When Israel ,vent up to Jerusalem to attend the festivals, they had to stand in the 'l"'emple court closely crowded together, yet when prostrated there ,vas a wide space bet,veen each of them (Rashi says about four ells), so that they could not hear each other's confession, which Inight have caused them to blush. 'rhey had, ho\vever, 'vhen prostrated, to extend eleven ells behind the Holy of Holies (n"El.:Jil n'J). Yoma, fo1. 2 I, col. 1.