A CHANGE came over the spirit of the Hindu world in the' third period, and the change is reflected in the Sutra literature of India. The Vindhya range was the extreme southern limit of the Hindu world in the Epic Period; but now the Hindus crossed that chain of mountains, and penetrated beyond the wastes and jungles of Central India, and founded powerful Hindu kingdoms on the banks of the Godavart and the Krishna, extending to the blue waters of the ocean. In the east the kingdom of Magadha rose to power and greatness and threw out

-colonies into' Bengal and Orissa, and in the west the kingdom of Saurashtra extended its limits to the Arabian Sea. This expansion of the Hindu world had its effect on the Hindu mind; the Hindus became more venturesome, and their ideas became more expanded. Whatever literature was handed -down from ancient times was put in a condensed, practical shape, and new discoveries in every department of science were made with the boldness of new explorers and conquerors.