The Purftuas relate the following story of King Hiranyakasipu, of the class of the Daitya :-

st.Ol'Yo~ By practising devotion for a long period, he had KIng Hlran-d he clei h f h" h ld byakasipu' earne t e aim t at any prayer a is s au e ~~~h~td:~n granted. He asked for eternal life, but only long life

was granted to him, for eternity is a quality of the Creator alone. Not having obtained the realisation of this wish, he desired that his death should not be effected by the hand of a human being, angel, or demon, and that it should not take place on earth nor in heaven, neither in the night nor in the day. By such clauses he meant to avoid death, which is unavoidable by man. His wish was granted to him,

This wish reminds one of the wish of the devil that he should be allowed to live till the day of resurrection,

because on that day all beings would rise from death. However, he did not attain his object, as it was only conceded to him to live till the day of the well-known time, of which it has been said that it is the last of the days of trouble.