The ancient history of India teems with illustrations which go to prove its fundamental unity amidst large differences in detail which have not, however, affected the cultural development and the progress of her great and ancient civilization. The author of The Early History of India 1 exclaims that attention has been concentrated too long on the Indo-Aryan aspect of this culture, and that it is time that due regard should be paid to the non-Aryan element. There is in the following pages an attempt to present the history of Hindu society and culture, having due regard to the non-Aryan contribution to Indian civilization. I have ventured to show the blend in Indian culture, to narrate the unifying processes in the relations of the Aryas and the non-Aryas who have lived and worked together in India through the ages. The gradual fusion of the two is visible, evolving a type of civilization, common to the whole country in a manner sufficient to justify its treatment as a unit in the history of the social and intellectual development of mankind.