(He is called Seyyid, the “Syud” of our · East India authorities, for the reason that he was a descendant of the prophet, of whom Yā-Sīn is one of the titles, as it is also the name of the thirty-sixth chapter of the Qur’ān, at the head of which the two letters stand which form the name. Burhānu-’d-Dīn means The Proof of the Religion; Sirr-Dān signifies The Confidant, one who possesses a knowledge of a secret or secrets, a mystery or mysteries. Muhaqqiq is one who verifies, who probes the truth; and Huseynī indicates that the Seyyid was of the branch of Huseyn, the younger of the two sons of Fātima, Muhammed’s only child that left posterity.)