https://s3-euw1-ap-pe-df-pch-content-public-p.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/9781315012544/d2ed769a-80e5-4489-a6f1-9b7fc12f9699/content/fm01_B.tif" xmlns:xlink="https://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"/> On the 11th May, 1824, the Burmese seaport of Rangoon was attacked and occupied by the British troops under Sir Archibald Campbell. As the season advanced; and the country became inundated by the flooded rivers and heavy rains, it was found impracticable to engage in any active operations in the direction of Ava. A part of the force at his command was, therefore, dispatched by Sir A. Campbell, by sea, to reduce the maritime provinces of Burma, and the districts of Tavoy and Tenasserim were selected to be attacked. In selecting Tenasserim and its port, Mergui, as desirable acquisitions for Britain, the commander of the army of invasion was unwittingly carrying out a continuity of action, on the part of his nation, for, during the latter part of the seventeenth century, King James the Second and his Government, instigated by the East India Company, had yearned after Mergui, and had even attempted, but unsuccessfully, to capture that seaport, where it had been their intention, if they had triumphed, to erect a fort to command the navigation and commerce of the eastern side of the Bay of Bengal, and the overland route to Siam. This, however, in 1824, had all been forgotten; but the national aspiration of 1687 was gratified in 1824, as Mergui, on being summoned, on the 6th October, to surrender unconditionally, fell in an hour’s time before the gallant assault of the British troops, supported by the guns of the cruisers of the Honourable East India Company. 1