White and his party arrived at Ayuthia on the evening of the 1st June; but before he had reached the capital he was stricken down with fever, contracted, in all likelihood, in the forest region he had crossed. The Shāhbandar, however, had the courage and strength to continue his journey on the following day to Louvo, where the Court was, and there he took lodgings in a house opposite to Lord Phaulkon’s. The fever, however, increased in severity, and he became “desperately sick almost past hopes of recovery;” so much so indeed, that Davenport, who had been left behind at Ayuthia, was sent for. His sickness, however, could not have been so serious as Davenport represents, as we learn from the Records in the India Office that he was corresponding with the authorities at Madras on the 19th June. 1 Be this as it may, the tough Englishman recovered, but, venturing out too soon to see Phaulkon, a relapse followed.