Country of the Burmese—Burmese people formed by union of Mongoloid tribes—Kshatriya settlers from India—Likeness between Burmese and neighbouring tribes—Probability of Kshatriya tribes having migrated from India—Opinion of Lassen—Names of ancient cities confirm tradition—Many tribes gradually become Mrâmmâ—Tribes in Tibet and Eastern Himâlaya kinsmen of the Burmese people—Opinion of Max Müller—Opinion of Hodgson—Tradition as to the first kings in Burmese history—First Àrakanese king—Early Burmese monarchy destroyed by invaders from the east—Second monarchy established and overthrown—Legend of the preservation of the royal race—Monarchy established at Prome—New capital built—Irruption of the Tai or Shân people from the east—Probable cause of migration of Tai people into Burma—Remains at the ancient city of Tagaung support tradition.