THE sanctioning of executive authority may be thought of in respect of structure and of people. As regards structure, sanctioning is required both for the authority attaching to specific roles, and for that belonging to the executive system as a whole. We shall refer to role sanctions when single positions are involved, and to system sanctions when reference is rather to a total system. Role and system sanctions are of two kinds, those given from outside the organization (e.g. by shareholders and customers), and those given from inside (e.g. by the nature and demands of the work task, and by the consensus of opinion achieved through joint consultation). With respect to people, there is sanctioning of the authority of particular persons in their executive roles which will be referred to as personal sanctioning. Personal sanctions are given to the individual by the approval of superiors, the co-operation of colleagues, and support of subordinates, and also by himself through his own personal capacity to tolerate and accept responsibility and authority.