The city of London, sir, with pride and exultation, behold revived in the son those solid virtues, shining talents, and powerful eloquence, which they long admired in the father, but above all that generous love of our country, and its divine constitution. The administration of the noble father gave security at home, carried the glory of the nation to the utmost height abroad, and extended the bounds of the empire to countries, where the Roman eagle never flew. The notion of providing Ministers with a “Voluntary Loan” of a million seemed to many members to aim an even more sinister blow at the financial rights of the Commons than had been aimed at their Ministry-approving rights by the late change in Government. The tense situation in Parliament was illustrated on January 16th, the day when the presentation of the City Address congratulating the King on the “dismission” of the late Ministers set an example gradually destined to overwhelm the Coalition.