Ing. SAWYER-Tree uprooted by river and caught in

stream, 1801. SAy-Unmeaning and silly prefix to sentence, B. SCAB-Scurrilous term fOor workman not member of

trade union, 1798. SCALAWAG-SCapegrace, 1848. SCALP-To unscalp (like to dust, meaning to undust). SCALPER-Speculator in tickets or stocks, B. SCARE Up-Find, B. SCARy-Timorous or causing fear, B. SCAT-Be off, get out. SCHOONER-Large beer glass, B. Scoop-Kind of bonnet, 1800. Scoop-Important news secured exclusively by a sin-

gle journal, 1876. SCORCH-To drive bicycle very fast. SCRAP-Quarrel, T.