ISO U R ENG LIS H D E G ENE RAT I N G '? 41 crazy in the sense of dilapidated, as applied to a building; crock (an earthen vessel); crone ( an old woman); crook (a bend); croon; cross-grained in the sense of obstinate or peevish; cross-patch; cross purposes; cuddle; cuff (to ;beat); deft; din; dormer wiudow; earnest, money given to bind a bargain; egg on; greenhorn; hasp; jack of all trades; jamb of a door; lintel; list (selvage of doth); loop hole; nettled (out of temper); newel; ornate; perforce; piping hot; pit (maf,k left by small-pox); quail (to shrink); ragamuffin,· riffraff; rigmarole; scant; seedy ("miserable looking"); shingles; sorrel (the color); out of sorts; stale ("wanting freshness"); sutler; thill; toady,· trash; underpinning. All these words, with many others equally familiar in the United States, are apparently regarded by Halliwell as having become obsolete in England.