TEN IMP 0 R TAN T T REA TIS E S 63 what is called "pink saucer." Then Mr. Farmer copies some errors from Bartlett, such as "freezer, a refrigerator," "handglasses, 'Spectades," and "hostiles, enemies," to which might be added "Maine law," of which term (as in the case of hostiles) Bartlett's definition is so incomplete as to be misleading. Of errors that appear to be original with Mr. Farmer may be mentioned: B ellyb ender, weak ice; fractional currency, nickel and ,copper coins; jay, the genus dude or masher; paroled, released or remanded on bail; sack coat, a tweed cloth coat; and sarcophagus, a leaden coffin. Elsewhere he informs us that the Knights of Pythias constitute an order of the same kind as the Knights of Labor, "similar to an English trade union"; that "maybe is invariably used for perhaps",. that "tickets of admission are ,commonly called permits",. that coins are said to be plugged when counterfeited; that huckleberry is "a kind of blackberry," and that "all berries are called plums in New England"; that the term bulldoze originally referred to "an association of negroes formed to insure, by violent and unlawf,ul means, the success of an election"; that spelling bees originated in the Western States; that bank bill is "the name by which Bank of England notes are generally known throughout the States"· that "a cent piece" is "made of nickel"· that , , the word "friends is employed where in England the word relations would be used"; that "previous to 1878, greenbacks down to ten cents were current," and that