E X 0 TIC A MER I CAN ISM S 73 well, London, 1855; by "Davies," a Glossary Supplementary to Halliwell, by T. L. O. Davies, London, 1881; by "Jamieson," Jamieson's Dictionary of the Scottish Language, Edinburgh, 1808; by "Elwyn," Elwyn's Glossary of Supposed Americanisms, Philadelphia, 1859; by "Grose," Grose's Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue. When "Murray" is quoted, the reference is to that invaluable storehouse of knowledge, the badly-named "New English Dktionary," edited by Sir J. A. H. Murray and called "The Oxford Dictionary" on the temporary slip covers of the parts, though the latter title does not appear all-ywfiere in the completed volumes. It is only proper to add that by no means all the citations that appear here and appear in Murray were taken by the present compiler from that great work, many of them having been noted by himself during thirty or forty years of (more or less intermittent) attention to the matter of collecting them.