THE HISTORICAL STRATA OF THE WORLD ARE COMMoN.-The geological strata of the earth are the same throughout the world, and igneous rocks, aqueous rocks, and deep-made rocks are formed in regular layers. If the strata differ in any places it must be because of earthquake or eruption. In the history of human beings, too, there are identical strata. Every nation first had an age of slave economy in primitive times; second came land economy; and, third, the money economy. Every nation was patriarchal in the primitive ages; then with a little progress came oligarchy, in which the power of the patriarch was somewhat restrained, and in the most advanced stage the rule of the majority. Those who have read the previous chapters will recognize that Japanese history is simply the other half of the seal when compared with that of China and Europe. Japan was later in founding her Empire than the Chinese continent, and so she fell behind. But this does not mean she did not go through the same development. She did, and with the long strides she made in the ages of Nara, Heian, Taira, Minamoto, and Hojo, she overtook the world situation, and in early Ashikaga her history conforms to that of China and Europe. In other countries there was a time of expansion, invasion, and extension; in Japan we had the wako or Japanese pirates.