Genesis shows God calling Abram to leave his home and family and journey to a land which God will show him. God promises that Abram will be the father of a great nation and that through him all the nations of the earth will be blessed. The story of Jacob, son of Isaac, grandson of Abram and a key figure in the Old Testament, offers stark illustrations of human greed, dissension and trickery interwoven with accounts of life-changing encounters with God. Jacob is told that he has wrestled with God and is renamed Israel, meaning, one who fights with God. Jacob becomes the father of twelve sons. The sons are named as the ancestors of the Twelve Tribes of Israel. Now Joseph was taken down to Egypt by slave traders. The birth of Moses takes place against the background of the oppression of the Israelites by the Egyptians. God delivered the Israelites from slavery and made them to enter Canaan.