It was the same story everywhere. Even the heavy faU in prices could not tempt buyers, tbough betw·een the beginning of September and the beginning of December Scotch pig-iron fell from 84s. to 48s. a ton, tin from £140 to £114 a. ton, cotton twist 18 to 24 per cent., silk 31 per cent., cotton 33 per cent., hides 30 to 37 per cent., wooll6 per cent., sugar 20 to 2S per cent., coffee 16 to 23 per cent., teal6 per cent. The e1rports fell off in the montbJ of November and December £5,000,000. At the same time the fall in nearly all sorts of securiti.;s was phenomenaL Yet gold was still coming from California and Australia. in constantly increasing quantities; the import of gold into England alone from these two countries being upwards of £22,500,000 in this very year 1857. Needless to add that the power of production and distribution, owing to the great and continuous improvement in machinery and means of transport, was even greater than it had been during