London now again became the scene of action. On Monday, February 4th, the delegates appointed at the meetings held in the great manufacturing towns met at Brown’s Hotel, with only Palace Yard between them and the House of Commons, whose proceedings they had come to watch. The following was the representation on this occasion:—Manchester: J. B. Smith, R. H. Greg, C. J. S. Walker, W. Rawson, and George Wilson. Bolton: Edmund Ashworth and A. W. Paulton. Liverpool: Joshua Walmsley and J. Aikin. Glasgow: Alexander Johnstone and William Weir. Leeds: Edward Baines, jun., and Hamer Stanfield. Stockport: The Mayor, J. Slack, and the Town Clerk. Kendal: J. Edmonds ton, W. Wilson, and Alderman Isaac Wilson. Huddersfield: Brook and Shaw. Preston: Parker. Birmingham: Joseph Sturge, Bradford, and E. Edwards. London: Colonel Thompson, W. Weymouth, Dr. Bowring, and M. A. Taylor. The following gentlemen were also present:—C. P. Villiers, M.P. Mr. Thos. Thornely, M.P., and Mr. Ewart, late M.P. for Liverpool.