This diminutive campesino with the large, weathered hands is an avid reader and a reflective, articulate commentator on any number of subjects, life under the Somozas, the historic influence of U.S. policy in Nicaragua, the legacy of Sandino, and the relationship between Christianity and Sandinismo.

Don César has been a hardware store employee for many years now, though he still misses the countryside and would like to return, except for the ill effects he and his family suffered from the indiscrminate use of pesticides during the Somoza era. Don César is a long-standing member of FUNDECI (Nicaraguan Foundation for Integral Community Development) a Christian base community in Leon, which he regards as a central influence in his life, and he is greatly inspired by the example of the modern “prophet” and founder of FUNDECI, Nicaraguan Foreign Minister Father Miguel D’Escoto.