If the feasibility study confirms that the project is worth pursuing, the next stage is for the design team to firm up the masterplan. This deals largely with the overall site layout, the relationship between buildings, and their relationship with the site. In sports architecture the masterplan usually takes into account the outline design of individual buildings and the organisation of the site plan in terms of vehicles and people. The masterplanners’ basic tasks will generally be as follows:

To fix a size and orientation for the event area pitch or track. Pitch sizes and layouts are generally prescribed by national and international governing bodies (details of which are held on our database). Orientation must be such that players and runners do not have the late afternoon sun in their eyes. Pitches and tracks are therefore normally orientated on approximately a north–south axis, although there are some notable exceptions to this rule of thumb, including Wembley Stadium (Fig. 4.1)

To surround the pitch or track with one or more spectator seating areas. The positioning and layout of these areas must be planned to accommodate the required number of spectators, locating them as close as possible to the event while ensuring that they will enjoy acceptable sightlines (measured in terms of ‘C’ values) without any viewing restrictions or obstructions

To serve the above areas with the appropriate standard and number of supporting facilities, such as players’ and officials’ changing rooms, toilets, food and beverage outlets, shops and amusement facilities, offices and media facilities

To ensure that access and facilities for spectators with disabilities are provided as required

Orientation diagram showing A as the best common orientation for many sports, B as the range acceptable for football and rugby and C as the best range for track and field events and pitch games https://s3-euw1-ap-pe-df-pch-content-public-p.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/9781315024929/359ce304-ef63-499b-ae03-e76337cd5a5a/content/fig4_1_B.tif" xmlns:xlink="https://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"/>