During Christmas 1987, Arnold Marsipal, re-elected Manus Regional Member to the National Parliament in Port Moresby, visited Nauna. He came with his niece (the daughter of his elder brother, Michael) who had summer holidays from the UPNG. On arrival, Arnold asked Johndis, the Nauna Member of the Community Government, to organise a meeting for all bigmen. He wanted to deal with present developments of aimlessness and disorientation among young people on the island, which he called a veritable catastrophe. His idea was that ‘traditional men's houses’ should again be built on Nauna, 1 where young men and boys could be brought under the control of their clan's lapan. Traditionally, men's houses were in the centres of the small clan hamlets on the mountain of Nauna, and all male activities were organised by the leader of a men's house, a clan's lapan. I shall give a description of the above-mentioned meeting headed by Arnold Marsipal because it shows important aspects of leadership on Nauna.