Alekseenko 1959 (Yelogui Kets), 1961a (borrowing new means of transportation), 1967b (general overview), 1971c (Soviet period), 1976a (general overview), 1979c (Christianization), 1982d (Russian influence on ethnogenesis); 1985b (modern economic interaction), 1993a,b (adoption of Russian clothes, footwear), 1994c (nineteenth century), 1997a (economic and cultural changes); Alekseev 1932; Aleksandrov 1963 and 1964 (colonization, hunting); Alekseenko 1967b, 1970a, 1975a (Yughs), 1980a; N. Alekseev 1967; Anonymous 1888, 1897; V Anuchin 1909a,b; Aref'ev 1902; Armstrong 1965; Dobrova-hdrintseva 1925; Dolgikh 1934 (major work), 1949a, 1960, 1982; E. Egorov 1992 (modern problems, change to market economy); Forsyth 1991, 1992 and 1993 (general); Gurvich 1987; hdrintsev 1883 (criticism of); Khandros 1934; Klokov and Chesnokov 1992 (recent history); Korsakov 1941; Kostrov 1857 (early description of Ket life); Krivonogov 1995b (tendency to leave native area), 1995c (russification), 1996b (loss of national identity), 1996d and 1997c (intermarriage), 1998 (major work on recent Ket history); Krivonogov and Drozdov 1996 (russification); Krivoshapkin 1865 (popular description ofKet life); Kublizki 1952 (popular description); Kytmanov 1927 (medicalreport); Lebedev 1926; L'vov 1930 (huntingpractices); Mikhalisko 1989; Miller 1750, 1937-41; Mirotvortsev 1931; Mordvinov 1860; Nikolaev 1958c,d, 1959, 1979, 1980c, 1981, 1985d (culture loss among Kureika Kets), 1989c and 1990 (protrayed in fiction); G. Nikolaeva 1997; Okulich 1909a,b; Peredol'skii 1908 (critical view of Russian effects on Ket life); Peres 1912; Pestov 1833 (yasak); Potapov 1952 (establishment of Russian rule); Razinkin 1992 (Yugh-Russian relations); Romanov 1899 (critical view of Russian effect on Ket life); Shneider and Dobrova-Iadrintseva 1928 (Soviet period); Sergeev 1955 (Soviet period); Shveitser 1940 (Stalin among the Kets); Simchenko 1965 (use of identification symbols); Slezkine 1994 (general history); Smirnov 1926; Sokolova 1997; Tarasenkov 1930 (Soviet economic policies); Terletskii 1931; Tokarev 1958 (ethnographic atlas); Tugarinov 1927 (early Soviet period); Vakhtin 1993, 1994 (Soviet policies); Vainshtein 1950 (collective farm), 1994 (effects of democratic reforms); G. Verner 1991d, 1999 (epic poem); Zhuravleva 1998a,b (European diseases).