The wheelbarrow and the cart are extensively used in Northern China for the conveyance of passengers and of merchandise. Some of them are very large and strong. Peking is divided into two parts, usually called the Tartar and the Chinese cities. The former is also referred to as the “northern,” the latter the “southern” city. Few sedans borne on the shoulders of men are seen at Peking; but one-horse carts, some of which are quite neat-looking, are very numerous, and not expensive. Large numbers of these Chinese cabs are to be found standing at various unoccupied places in all sections of the cities, and at all hours of the day, awaiting employment. The Pekinese, as well as the Chinese generally, residing in the northern part of China, are much more hardy and robust than are the Chinese living in the southern portions of the empire. This is doubtless owing to the colder and more bracing climate in which they live.