What was the bond which originally united men into a homogeneous social life ? At the present time, there is a decided tendency on the part of men to form themselves into communities with the object of attaining collectively some common end. Some establish religious congregations in support of a common creed; some found scientific associations for the acquirement of common knowledge ; others found commercial corporations for their mutual benefit; while others again group themselves into political parties with the object of winning recognition for their particular political convictions. The number of social communities is steadily increasing and their influence becomes more and more wide-spread with the progress of civilization. Every day, men are becoming more alive to the advantages of co-operation and the benefits arising from union in every branch of life. The sphere of these social groups even shows signs of overstepping the boundaries of States and the limits of races, and in these brotherhoods of men occupying a position in the higher stages of civilization, there is always to be found certain conscious aims which form the bond of their union.