The estimates of the different items of the national income, together with an adjustment for the value of stocks calculated in Appendix I., are added together to give final totals for 1924 and 1928. Estimates for 1926–7 and 1929–31 involve the rearrangement of the total. The whole income of the insured population is estimated for each year from figures showing changes in the numbers employed and in average wages. The amount of income assessed to tax can be obtained for 1926 and 1927, and can be estimated for 1929–31 by subdividing Actual Income into a number of categories. The amount of profits is estimated from figures published in The Economist. These methods of calculation will overlap to the extent of the incomes of those salary-earners who are both insured and assessable: this overlap is allowed for from data on the frequency distribution of salaries given in Chapter IV.