Thus much fay chey of the tails oi W e a t h e r s , now I know fuch is the folidity of divers Readers and people, tha t for chefe reports, chey will prefendy give boch chefe Auchors and me the Whec-f tone lor rare untruths and fi&ions; I do no t marvail, for fuch ( I dare affurc my f e l f ) do no t believe all the miracles of Chrif t , having f h o r t and (hallow conceipts, meafuring all things by their own eyes, and becaufe they themfelves are apt t o lye for their p r o f i t , therefore they are n o t alhamed to lay like imputations upon honeft m e n , yet I could (hew unto them as g rea t o r greater wonders in our own Nation ( i f they were wor thy to be confuted ) for which o the r Nations account us as greacliers ( nay as chefe Infidel f o o l s ) do them, and yet they are common among us.