THat kinde of D o g whom nature hath endued with the virtue of fmelling, whofe proper ty it is to ufe a luftinels, a readinefs, anda couragioufnefs in hunting, and draweth into his noftrils th« air or fent of the beaft purfued and followed, we call by this word Sagax, the Grecians by this word hhneuten of tracing or chafing by the foo t , or Rinelaten, of the noftrils, which be the inftruments of fmelling. W e may know thefe kinde of Dogs by their long, large and bagging lips, by their hanging ears, reaching down both fides of their chaps, and by the indifferent and meafurable p ropor t ion of their making. This for t of Dogs we call Leverarios,Hariers, tha t I maycomprife the whole number of them in certain fpecialities, and apply t o them their p rope r and peculiar names, for fo much as they cannot all be reduced and brought under one for t , confidering both the fundry ufes of them, and the difference of their fervice whereto they be appointed. Some for the Hare , the Fox , the W o l f , t he Har t , t he Buck, the Badger, the O t t e r , the Polcat, the Lobfter , the Weafell , the Cony , &c. Some for one thing and fome for another .