THere is no man that fhall fee this Beaft , but will eafily yeelduntomy opinion, that it is a Goat , and not a Deer , the hair, beard , and whole proportion of body moft evidently demonftrating fomuch, neither is there any difficulty herein, except forthe horns which turn forward at the point, and not backward, which thing yet fwarveth not fo much from a Goat as from a Deer, and therefore can be no good reafon to alter my opinion. There are of this kinde,as D o - d o r Gi) affirmethjin the Northern part of England, and that figure which is engraven at Rome in a Marble pillar, being a remembrance of fome Triumph which Pliny fetteth f o r t h , ditfereth in no part from this Beafts defcription and proportion : Yet I take it that it may be brought into England from fome other Nation, and fo be feen in fome Noble mans houfe , but that it fhotildbe bred there, I cannot finde any monument of authority, but I rather conjedure the fame to be bred in Spain. O f thefe kindes there are three Epigrams in Martial, whereby is declared their mutual fights killing one another : their fear of Dogs, and their flefh defired both of men and beafts.