Their bloud is faved in a veflel, and afterwards the Moufe it felf is dreffed in hot fcalding water like a Pig, and the hair thereof plucked off, and then do they appear bald and white; next to that they bowel them, and take out their intrails: afterwards put in the bloud again into their bellies, and fo feethe them, or elfe falt them, and hang them up in fmoke, and being drefTed after they are dryed, they are commonly eaten in the Alpine Regions with Rapes and Cabbages, and their flefh is very fat, not a fluxible or loofe fat like the fat of Lambs, but ä folid fat, like the fat of Hogs and Oxen. And the flefh hereof is commended to be profitable for Women with, childe; and al fo for all windinefs and gripings in the belly, not only the flefh to be eaten in meat, but alfo the fat to be anointed upon the belly or navil: And for this caufe it is ufed to procure fleep, and to flrengthen decayed and weak finews: the flefh is always better falted then frefli, becaufe the fait drieth up the overmuch humidity, and alfo amendeth the gravity and rancknefs of the favour: but whether it be fait, or whether frefh, it is always hard to be digefted, opprefling the ftomach, and heating the body overmuch.