A Musk-cat being put unto the body of any man in the form or manner of a plaifter, doth confirm Dioftoridtf* and make ftrong both his heart and all the reft of his bowels, or interior parts: it doth moreover encreafe both ftrength and power in all his members, yea and in the very bones, the efficacy thereof is of fuch and power and vertue. The fame being laid or anointed upon the head* is very effedual for the expelling or driving away of the rheume which falleth from the head into the noftrils, and by that means procurethheavinefsin the fame ; and for the amending and curing of thefwimmingdizzinefs or giddinefs in the head through the abundant humors which remain and ftay therein, and alfo for the bridling and reftraining of luft and venery.