Men do not expect to be admired but by their friends. Praise is the confession and acknowledgment of excellencies, it is inspired by lovable qualities, but unstinting praise that is instinctive and spontaneous when wrung from the unwilling lips of implacable foes is praise indeed. The character of the people presented a Psychological problem to the multitudinous hosts of foes. By excursions, incursions, expeditions, invasions, and sanguinary wars, they essayed to crush Accra, but in vain. An Accra man was then respected, not by reason of his national prestige only, but by his personal ability and superior qualities also. He was able to endure hardships and privations ten times better than any one of any other province and people, In war, travel and voyage, in times of epidemic, and in the critical moments of life, he was the special object of divine protection; he felt no paroxysms of fear in the presence of a foe, however redoubtable.