Brasil Country is governed by an absolute King, who lives in Negrish Majesty at a Town called Sabbee, fix Miles from the Sea. Travelling is in Haemac is a Brasil word, and signifies a Net slung to rest in; made there from the Rind of a Tree. The King of Dauhomay at this Interview with Captain Snelgrave, which was after the Conquest of Ardra and Whydah, agrees with him in the Character of these Enemies. The Gentleman, by an Invitation from the King of Dahome or Dauhomay, went in company with some other of the Factory from Jaqueen, to pay him a Visit at his Camp, 40 miles inland; there he was an Eye-witness of their human Sacrifices, Captives from the Kingdoms of Ardra, Whydah, Tuffoe, and other Conquests: the King chose them out himself.