There is a Return of Vernal and Autumnal Rains through the whole Coast. The former, whether on this or the other side the Equator, are longer and more incessant. They begin on this side at Sierraleon, in May, at the Gold Coast and Whydah, in April, preceded by S. and S. E. Winds. On the other side the Line again, the Vernal Rains fall at Cape Lopez, in October, at Angola in November. As these Seasons are attended with the Interposition of Clouds thro' both, the Air is cooler, and therefore by the stewed Inhabitants denominated Winter. At Cape Corso, they ceased the end of May, they had fell, for six Weeks before, almost without intermission, only some hours they were heavier, and chiefly in the Nights, with continued Thunder, Lightning, and Calms. The Winds from Sea, which are the Winds that usher in these Rains, are known to spring up but a few Leagues from Shore.