The Negroes become Slaves to one another, by Mulcts imposed on some sort of Crimes, or Debts contracted beyond their Ability to discharge. Slaves differ in their Goodness; those from the Gold Coast are accounted best, being cleanest limbed, and more docible by our Settlements than others; but then they are, for that very reason, more prompt to Revenge, and murder the Instruments of their Slavery, and also apter in the means to compass it. The bulk of them are country People, stupid as is their distance from the Converse of the Coast-Negroes, eat all day if Victuals is before them; or if not, let it alone without Complaint; part without Tears with their Wives, Children, and Country, and are more affected with Pain than Death. Whydah Slaves are more subject to Small-Pox, and sore Eyes; other parts to a sleepy Distemper, and to Windward, Exowphalos's.