The Gold of Guinea is mostly traded for at the Gold Coast and is either in Fetish, in Lump, or in Dust. The Fetish-Gold is that which the Negroes cast into various Shapes, and wear as Ornaments at their Ears, Arms, and Legs, but chiefly at their Head, entangled very dextrously in the Wool; it is so called, from some Superstition in the Form, or in their Application and Use, commonly mixed with some baser Metal, to be judged of by the Touch-Stone, and skill of the Buyer you employ. The Lump, or Rock Gold, is in pieces of different weights, pretended to be brought out of Mines. Dust Gold is the common Traffick, the best comes hither from the neighbouring inland Kingdoms of Dinkira, Akim, and Arcana, and is got out of the River-Sands. The way to separate, is by copper Blowpans, shaped like Fire-Shovels.