Reflections on African discoveries, and the resources of that Continent—Remarks on the Coast between Cape Palmas and Bonny—The Hermitan; Lahoo; (Adams’ Account); the Coast eastward—Lover’s account of the Africans in 1701—Acra—Ashantee—Dahomy—Ardrah—Lagos—The Formosa—Benin——Anecdote of early African commerce—Country round Benin.

Bonny, town and island—Rivers near it—Causes of the insalubrity of the Coast-Houses—Polygamy—Slaves exported thence—The Eboes and Brechés—Quaws—Brasses, Appas, &c—Cost of a slave during the English trade—Anecdote of some Priests—Religion of the western Coast—Fetiches or charms, and animal idols—Various opinions respecting—National Fetiches—High priests of Bonny, and their cunning and influence over the people—Fish-town, a sanctuary for those in danger—The Iguana, the idol of Bonny—Author protects one, and is much lauded in consequence—Penance done by King Holiday—Offerings to the gods, secured by the author for the cook’s kettle.