The author and his companion do not yet understand the character and openions of the black people of Central Africa, seem to take peculiar delight in those very natural phenomena which civilised nations regard as disastrous. Among other instances, author have seen an old negress, usually gloomy and taciturn, quite intoxicated by an earthquake. Whilst others were thinking of their safety, she ran about the courtyard on her hands and feet, rolling over, laughing and whooping, as if she were a devil and this was news from the infernal regions. ED. They moved up the valley of Seloufeeat, their spirits buoyant and mounting high, whilst the air of the morning was soft and fresh, not unlike that of Italy. After two hours they arrived at the City of Marabouts, or Tintaghoda. There is considerable variety in the physiognomy of the people of Aheer, whom author and companion have already seen.