To-day the author finished a vocabulary of the Kailouee language. He endeavour also to divert his mind from the many causes of annoyance that now exist, by studying the records of the Denham and Clapperton expedition. Autor and companion shall soon be amidst the same countries that they explored, and, no doubt, shall find that little has changed in the manners of the people during these last thirty years. Neither in the Desert nor in the kingdoms of Central Africa is there any march of civilisation. All goes on according to a certain routine established for ages past. A courier has just arrived from the new Sultan of Aghadez, demanding the gumruk, or custom-dues, from the caravan of Christians who have entered Aheer. After two or three weeks of incessant solicitation, by the way, author gave Es-Sfaxee, Yusuf, and Mahommed, a small bottle of rum the first and the last; for they got drunk and quarrelsome upon it.