AS Johnnie Northwood’s labours commenced at seven o’clock in the morning, and were often prolonged until late at night, he had but little time in which to study what was going on in the world outside his godowns. He was surprised, therefore, when his father strode into the No. i godown and grasped him by the hand. The Alastor had arrived at daylight, and hearing at McAlister’s of his son’s whereabouts, he had determined to see him before anyone else. Postal communications with the Moluccas were few and far between, and Johnnie’s last letters had not reached him. He was much surprised to learn on what terms his son was employed, but urged him to stick to his post and make the most of it; his reward would come sooner or later. The generous old sailor took out his pocket-book and handed Johnnie notes to the value of two hundred dollars.