The short descent from the disintegration to the work of Boccioni, the Futurist, whose sculpture is a negation of the art. It had so far left a carver’s ideal that the Frenchman, almost wholly a modeller in outlook, is praises for qualities which the recent return to a surer judgment is placing in truer perspective. The stone itself is earth, loth to let child go, and passionately instilling in that love without which is ill–equips to assail heaven. The presence of the Slav master’s work in England draws particular attention to own sculpture, and must admit that until lately, if except Alfred Stevens, have not produced work of importance. There emerged a modeller who has given to metal its appropriate treatment; the bronzes, “Lycidas” and “Thyrsis”, by Havard Thomas are of permanent value. The carvers who stand for the vitality of art are Gaudier-Brzeska, Eric Gill, and Epstein.