Dear Comrade, A movement was initiated at a meeting in Johannesburg on January 2nd this

year, with the object of linking all Communist and revolutionary Socialist sections in S. Africa in one Communist Party. Negotiations have proceeded from that date and a meeting was held on Easter Sunday to discuss Socialist unity, at which were represented the International Socialist League, South Africa, the Social Democratic Party, Durban and the United Communist Party, Capetown (which latter is an amalgamation of the Social Democratic Federation of Capetown and the Communist Party of Capetown), and the Jewish Socialist Society (Poalei Zion) Johannesburg. All these sections have agreed to unite on the basis of the twenty-one Points (conditions of admission) to the third International)1 with the exception of the Social Democratic Party, Durban which remains faithful to the social patriotism and reformism of Hyndman and Co. in England and distributes his organ ‘Justice’.