A joint conference agreed on a postwar programme, which would include mandatory enrolment in both the cadets and the Territorial Force (TF) and compulsory service in the Territorial Reserves. Ultimately, the full British Worker's National League (BWNL) platform included, in addition: The continuation of the war to a victorious conclusion; Rejection of class hostility in favour of reconciliation; Public ownership of key industries; Adequate defences; Agricultural autarchy; Educational reform; Democratic federation within Britain; Imperial federation with the Dominions. The BWNL had swallowed the whole Milnerite prescription. In March 1917 a 2nd Battalion was formed on Merseyside, with other battalions formed elsewhere in the country. Meanwhile, Mersey dockworkers were withdrawn from the army into National Transport Battalions in 1916. Many others members, not selected for service with the docker's battalions, served in the Volunteer Force (VF); Britain's First World War equivalent of the Home Guard. The union strongly encouraged all of these activities.