Asbestos composition insulation was probably not used after about 1974, although the chrysotile paper based products may have been used later. The purpose of the asbestos is to provide both thermal insulation and mechanical reinforcement. The purpose of the asbestos is to provide reinforcement and the thermal properties in many cases are really incidental to the main application of the material. It was found as straightforward asbestos cement tiles, used as either roof tiles or wall cladding, and these were being used as early as the 1930s. It was used mostly for industrial buildings and the purpose of the bitumen/chrysotile paper was simply as an anti-corrosion protection, replacing the zinc galvanising process. This chapter indicates how products have been introduced and phased out over many decades. It may contain some asbestos cement or possibly some asbestos gaskets or roofing felt but these are all low risk materials.