Matthew Arnold, The Grande Chartreuse, 1.79

Europe, the seat of what we pretentiously call civilization, would have been completely over­ taken in terms of economic significance were it

not for the economic and productivity gains being achieved in recent years through unifica­ tion. Western Europe has re-created itself effect­ ively by means of the European Union. At the same time, political changes have meant that what was the Soviet Empire is now no more. There are now in fact many different Europes: Northern (Nordic), Southern (Mediterranean),

T o G c T r t e ^

M M — I

Table 10.1 The market to be served Eastern Europe 124 m Russia 148 m Ukraine 52 m The Baltics 8m

332 m Western Europe 357 m

Central and Eastern (the former communist states) and Western Europe (now uniting the countries of the Community and of EFTA). In this present chapter, we will concern ourselves with Western Europe - The European Union, and with Central and Eastern Europe, notably the former communist states, now seeking mem­ bership of the EU and of NATO, its former enemy. Europe has come full circle.