Stationery Binding includes every description of paper book, from the Memorandum, which is simply covered with marble paper, to the most firm and elaborate bound book used in the counting-house of the merchant and banker. The kind used in stationery binding is called the colours used are the same as for other marbles, and ground up with the wax in a similar manner. The materials generally used for stationery binding are russia, rough calf, green and white vellum, and forrel, according to the value of the work. As circumstances, such as the fancy of some previous workman, or coloured vellum not to be obtained so early as required, may make it necessary to execute the proper colours, the proceedings are here given. Wash the vellum over with weak pearl-ash, and then colour it to the shade desired. Clasps are generally affixed to the better kind of stationery books, as keeping them closed when in use, tends much towards their preservation.