The years that brought the bulk of chemicals now threatening life on our planet came at a time of great turmoil: economic and social unrest in Europe that led to World War II. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) draft reassessment of dioxin and related compounds, released in September 1994, reaffirms not only carcinogenic properties but hormonal ones as well. Polybrominated biphenyls (PBBs) became newsworthy in the mid 1970s when between 500 to 1000 pounds of a chemical fire retardant was inadvertently combined with animal feed. Entrenchment of economic forces, powerful political and public relations allies, and the antiregulatory stance of the current US Congress will in all likelihood impede, if not halt, attempts at reform. This is most likely to occur unless there is a groundswell of cancer patients, their families and supporters who say no more business as usual. We want, we demand, and we have a right to prevent cancer.