In the day-to-day business of getting on with the job, responding to immediate situations and trying to keep up with the paperwork, it can be difficult to establish just what is going on in terms of pupil support; who is doing what, when and with whom? The issue of ‘why’ things are done in certain ways at certain times may be addressed only in times of extreme measures such as the run-up to an Ofsted inspection. In a busy school, this can lead to a lack of cohesion and diminishing returns in terms of measurable effectiveness. Time taken to conduct a careful audit of support will provide useful information for a SENCO which will form the basis for future decision-making and planning. The pro forma sheets onpages 6–7 may be useful. Think about what is happening in terms of:

Policy — Does the SEN Policy clearly indicate when, where and how LSAs will be deployed and how resources will be allocated?

Roles and responsibilities — Are the LSA's roles clearly defined? Are all teachers clear about their roles and responsibilities in relation to the LSAs?

An induction/mentoring system — is there one in place?

Type of support — List and define — one-to-one teaching, small-group work (inside/outside the classroom), in-class support (directed at specific children/general).

Programmes of support — Which specific programmes are used? Catch-ups, e.g. ALS, ELS Springbase Commercial packages, Phonographix, PAT. How many children are involved? Are these programmes part of the pupils’ IEPs?

Planning and liaison time — Do teachers hold responsibility for overseeing programmes — if not, who? Is there time for liaison? Is there time for preparation/resource-making? Is time set aside for teachers to share lesson plans?

Assessment/monitoring (both of children and of LSA effectiveness) — What are the procedures for monitoring? Who monitors? How often? What happens to the information? How are children assessed and by whom? Does this information inform planning?

Logistics — Where are LSAs working? Is there a timetable that guarantees a room/space to work with no interruptions? Is this space near the class to avoid wasting time on travel?

Resources — Are there enough for each LSA? Do LSAs have their own personal space to store resources? Where are shared resources located and what system is there for knowing who has what?