Pupils with fragile X syndrome may have certain characteristics: delayed speech and language development, which is characterised by self-talk, perseverative speech, echolalia up and down swings of pitch or rapid speech with problems of rhythm. It has behavioural difficulties such as hyperactivity, inattention, repetitive behaviours. It delayed gross motor development and delayed fine motor skills development and sensory processing difficulties, resulting in hypo or hyper-sensitivity to certain sounds, tastes, smells or textures. Pupils with fragile X generally have good health, but some may have epilepsy which can be controlled with medication. Intermittent hearing loss caused by recurrent ear infections may be experienced, which can have implications for learning. Girls with fragile X are usually less affected by the condition than boys, perhaps having some problems with co-ordination and short-term memory. Girls are more likely to have social, emotional and communication difficulties related to: being unaware of verbal or non-verbal social signals and conversational skills, making it difficult to sustain friendships.