They say that everyone remembers what they were doing when President Kennedy was killed: I don’t. I do remember, however, what I was doing when I heard of the terrible tragedy at Dunblane Primary School: I was driving home from school on the A64. That tragedy was one of many that have occurred in recent years. There was the Lyme Bay tragedy when a number of pupils drowned during an outdoor pursuits activity; pupils were injured when a man with a flame-thrower burst into an examination hall in a school in Northern Ireland; a number of pupils were killed in a minibus accident on a motorway; a man entered a school building in Middlesborough and murdered a pupil in the middle of the day; a head teacher was killed outside his school gates while responding to an out-of-school incident; a man brandishing a knife caused injuries in a primary school playground in Wolverhampton. As this manuscript was being finalised three senior school pupils from Bolton were killed in a coach accident in France and a junior school pupil was drowned on a school trip to the seaside in North Wales.