In Chapters 3 and 4 we covered aspects of effective classroom provision for young gifted children. In Chapter 3, I discussed some general strategies for making a difference for these children in the classroom. Chapter 4 addressed specific ways in which the achievement and self-esteem of individual children could be enhanced. Both chapters should offer guidance to teachers in all aspects of the curriculum. This chapter, devoted to subject-specific provision, should ideally address aspects of teaching of all subjects, but it was felt that it would be beyond the scope of this book to achieve this objective. Therefore, I have selected three subjects as the main focus of this chapter. The reason for selecting mathematics and English for special consideration was twofold. First, teachers consider these two subject as the two basic curriculum areas. Second, there have been many requests from teachers, since the introduction of the National Numeracy and Literacy Strategies, for guidance on aspects of provision for these two areas of the curriculum. I chose ICT as the third subject because it not only offers opportunities for enhancing curriculum provision in all subjects, but also makes a significant contribution in developing a number of other desirable skills of communication, processes such as reasoning and problem-solving and applying higher-order thinking skills such as analysis, synthesis and evaluation. Within the framework of development of Multiple Intelligences which this book promotes, aspects of English and mathematics would fall within linguistic, logical-mathematical and spacial intelligences and practical applications of ICT should enhance all seven intelligences.